Merchant FAQs

Why use PayFina?

PayFina elevates your business by offering flexible financing options that enhance revenue and customer satisfaction. Our application process takes less than two minutes and delivers high approval rates with credit limits up to $5,000. As a revolving credit solution, PayFina encourages customer loyalty and repeat business, since your customers can make additional purchases without reapplying. Specializing in sectors like dental, elective medical, veterinary, automotive services, and more, PayFina is a strategic choice for businesses aiming to provide exceptional service and financial convenience to their customers.

How do my customers apply?

Customers can conveniently apply for financing online in under two minutes using a smartphone, computer, or tablet. They will receive an immediate decision on pre-approval, credit limit, and financing terms. Upon accepting a pre-approved offer, they can make their purchase without delay.

If my customer has a PayFina account, do they need to reapply to make a new purchase?

No, once your customer has a PayFina account, they can make repeat purchases from your business without reapplying. To facilitate a new purchase, access their account through your Partner Portal, verify they have sufficient available credit, and begin the purchase process.

After a transaction, how quickly will I receive the funds in my bank account?

Funds are deposited into your bank account via ACH within two business days following the completion of the transaction.

What are the steps to start offering PayFina financing to my customers?

Begin by filling out the online enrollment application. After submission, PayFina will finalize your enrollment, provide you with access credentials for the Partner Portal, and contact you to arrange training.

What are the fees associated with using PayFina for my business?

Processing fees vary depending on your specific industry and the financing options you select. To understand the costs tailored to your business, please consult with a PayFina representative. Rest assured, there are no monthly fees or obligations to meet minimum volume requirements.

What happens if my customer defaults on their credit agreement?

With PayFina’s non-recourse program, you are not held responsible for an account holder’s failure to meet their payment obligations.

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